baner grafix

Sustainable and Socially Responsible Development in the Network of Socioeconomic Relations

Theme: Triple Helix for Sustainable Development

Date: June 16-17, 2025  

Place: WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

About the conference - science for sustainability


Undoubtedly, sustainability and socially responsible development—addressing economic, social, and environmental challenges simultaneously and interdependently—remain critical issues in global research. As the complexity of societal challenges grows, the need for effective partnerships between academia, business, and the public sector becomes more pressing. The Triple Helix model, emphasizing collaboration among these sectors, has proven to be a valuable framework for fostering innovation, resilience, and sustainability in socio-economic networks.

Although much has been written about these subjects, significant gaps remain that require innovative and interdisciplinary exploration. Therefore, we would like to encourage a robust discussion on the opportunities, challenges, and frameworks for sustainable and socially responsible development within the evolving dynamics of socio-economic relations. Since sustainability issues are deeply rooted in specific contexts, we invite papers that explore the role of socio-economic networks in advancing sustainable development, focusing on topics such as:

  •     models of cooperation between the public sector, private sector, and universities,
  •     attitudes toward sustainability,
  •     social innovation to promote sustainable development,
  •     education and public awareness in creating sustainable development practices,
  •     financing sustainable development,
  •     technology for a sustainable future,
  •     implementation of public policies for sustainable development,
  •     sustainable urban development,
  •     international cooperation for sustainable development,
  •     AI, public, private, and university partnerships, and labor.

The conference’s emphasis on the network of socio-economic relations stems from the recognition that sustainable and socially responsible development is inherently collaborative. It requires strong partnerships between academia, business, and the public sector and effective governance systems that align stakeholders' goals.

We look forward to receiving papers that bridge theory and practice, generate actionable insights, and expand the frontiers of knowledge on sustainable development in a rapidly changing world. Conceptual, methodological, and empirical contributions using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed research methods are welcomed.

Join us for this interdisciplinary dialogue and contribute to shaping the future of sustainable and socially responsible development.


Malgorzata Rozkwitalska-Welenc, Conference Chair, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, University Coordinator of the Scientific Disciplines „Management and Quality Sciences” and „Economics and Finance”

Artur Kozłowski, Scientific Committee Chair, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation

Jagienka Rześny-Cieplińska, Organizing Committee Chair, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Editor-in-Chief of the WSB Journal of Business and Finance


Conference format  

We invite you to the Merito Universities Group Conference in Gdansk, with the Sustainable and Socially Responsible Development in Socioeconomic Networks theme. We are pleased to announce that the conference will be held in a hybrid format, both in person and online. However, we hope to see you in Gdansk. We invite you to participate actively in this eventful and inspiring academic event. We want to enhance interaction and networking in the professional community during our conference, which will benefit our participants long after the event. During a company visit, we also intend to show how businesses respond to challenges related to sustainability and social responsibility.



We want to encourage cross-cutting and interdisciplinary discussions on the challenges of sustainable and socially responsible development (individual, group, organization, region, economy, world, etc.) in the network of socio-economic relations. Conceptual, methodological, and research papers, as well as works in progress, are welcome.

We welcome papers from various scientific disciplines. The conference includes the following tracks:

  • models of cooperation between the public sector, private sector, and universities,
  • attitudes toward sustainability,
  • social innovation to promote sustainable development,
  • education and public awareness in creating sustainable development practices,
  • financing sustainable development,
  • technology for a sustainable future,
  • implementation of public policies for sustainable development,
  • sustainable urban development,
  • international cooperation for sustainable development,
  • AI, public, private, and university partnerships, and labor. 


Malgorzata Rozkwitalska-Welenc, Conference Chair, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

Scientific Committee

Artur Kozłowski, Scientific Committee Chair, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

Arnold Bernaciak, WSB Merito University in Poznan, Poland

Tomasz Czapran, European Research University, Czechia

Monika Chodorek, WSB Merito University in Torun, Poland

Krzysztof Dembek, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Paolo Esposito, Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Naples, Italy

Dominik Franczak, College of Economics and Computer Science, Krakow, Poland

Osman M. Karatepe, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey

Peter Kristofik, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

Anna Motylska-Kuźma, DSW University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw

Petr Mrkývka, Masaryk University, Czechia

Ove Oklevik, Norway Western University of Applied Sciences, Norway

Fevzi Okumus, Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, USA

Leise Kelli de Oliveira, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Johannes Platje, WSB Merito University in Wroclaw, Poland

Biagio Simonetti, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy

Katarzyna Smulska, WSB Merito University in Torun, Poland

Przemysław Stach, College of Economics and Computer Science, Krakow, Poland

Michał Szostak, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland

Alicja Szostkiewicz, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

Babak Taheri, Texas A&M University, USA

Antoni Wilinski, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

Anna Zgrzywa-Ziemak, WSB Merito University in Wroclaw, Poland

Piotr Olaf Żylicz, WSB Merito University in Warsaw, Poland


Organizing Committee 

Jagienka Rześny-Cieplińska, Organizing Committee Chair, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

Romana Antczak-Jarząbska, WSB Merito University in Gdansk

Maja Głuchowska-Wójcicka, WSB Merito University in Gdansk

Alicja Gruszczyńska, Merito Centrum

Agnieszka Jarosik-Michalak, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

Marcin Kisielewski, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

Katarzyna Moszczyńska, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

Joanna Olkowicz, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

Marcin Panek, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland

Patrycja Rudkowska, Research Federation of WSB&DSW Universities

Publication opportunities

We are pleased to announce that the following journals are cooperating with the conference: 

  • Quality and Quantity - published by Springer Science+Business Media, constitutes a point of reference for European and non-European scholars to discuss instruments of methodology for more rigorous scientific results in the social sciences (a Scopus-indexed journal):

  • WSB Journal of Business and Finance (indexed in ERIH PLUS and EBSCO, among others) promotes theoretical and applied research in business, finance, and management.
  • Engineering Management in Production and Services (a Scopus-indexed journal): publishes  original research in the fields of Engineering Management, Technology Management, Foresight, Technology Assessment, Quality Engineering, Logistics Management, Service Marketing, Service Engineering, Production Engineering, Industrial Marketing, (article processing charge 2500 PLN + 23%VAT or 600 EUR - the fee paid after the paper is accepted for publication -
  • Colloquium (indexed in ERIH PLUS, CEJSH, among others): a peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to broadly understood educational, philosophical, social, cultural, safety, and political issues


Please be informed that we do not guarantee the publication of papers submitted to the conference in the collaborating journals. Participants should submit the manuscript on their own, following the guidelines of the respective journal, with the editors of the collaborating journals making every effort to ensure a smooth and timely review process.

Jagienka Rześny-Cieplińska

Editor-in-Chief of the WSB Journal of Business and Finance


Han Woo Park

Editor-In-Chief Quality & Quantity


Joanna Ejdys

Editor-In-Chief Engineering Management in Production and Services


Abstract/paper submission

Both submissions with abstracts and full papers will be accepted. Please submit your abstract/paper to

When submitting an abstract/paper, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. The abstract should be no longer than 400 words in length.
  2. The abstract must cover purpose, methodology, findings, implications, originality, and value.
  3. The author's name(s) and affiliation address, e-mail (s), and a session track must be indicated at the top of the abstract.
  4. All abstracts and full papers are peer-reviewed, and abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings online in pdf format.
  5. The full paper is limited to 10,000 words. The paper should not be published elsewhere before the conference date.

Conference regulations


  1. The conference is a closed event. Only Participants accepted by the organizer who has completed registration and paid the conference fee may attend the conference.
  2. The registration fee must be paid by June 1, 2025. Payment after this date does not guarantee participation in the conference.
  3. A participant submits an abstract and a paper in a given thematic path (track). Still, the Organizer reserves the right to qualify them for a different track than the one declared by the participant and to include papers submitted in two or more tracks in the same parallel session.
  4. The Organizer reserves the right to reject the submitted abstract/paper, particularly when its subject matter deviates from the conference theme or when the submitted abstract/paper does not meet the standards of academic writing. In such a case, the entire fee paid shall be refunded to the Participant.
  5. Two independent reviewers will review each paper using the double-blind method. Each Participant submitting a paper must prepare a free double-blind review for one other text submitted to the conference by July 10, 2025.
  6. All conference materials, i.e., Books of Proceedings (containing abstracts) and Conference Booklet, are in PDF format and available through the conference website.
  7. The organizer does not guarantee the publication of papers submitted to the conference in the collaborating journals indicated on the conference website. Based on the recommendations of the track chairs, Participants should independently submit the manuscript under the guidelines of the respective journal, with the editors of the collaborating journals making every effort to ensure a smooth and timely review process.
  8. Both submissions with abstracts and full papers will be accepted.
  9. If the Participant decides to cancel the paid registration and participation in the conference, he/she must notify the organizer via conference email: In case of cancellation less than a week before the conference, the organizer reserves the right to refuse to refund the conference fee. Unpaid registrations after June 1, 2025, are automatically canceled. In case of cancellation of the conference, fees will be refunded.
  10. By participating in the event, the Participant acknowledges that the organizer may record images and/or sound during the conference using sound and video equipment of any kind and distribute them in the medium of choice. The participant gives full consent to the recording and further distribution of his/her image and/or voice by the organizer through the conference website, other websites, and the organizer's social media used to inform about the conference and subsequent follow-up conferences.

Keynote speakers - science for sustainability

Alan AtKisson

Alan AtKisson has worked at the forefront of sustainability and sustainable development issues for over 35 years. He is the author of several books, many articles, and a series of professional handbooks and manuals, all focused on advancing sustainability practice from a scientific and systems perspective. He held various leadership positions before he retired from public service in 2025, most recently as Executive Secretary and CEO of the intergovernmental Global Water Partnership and previously as Assistant Director-General and Head of Department at Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. At Sida, he represented the Swedish Government in numerous international fora. He led Swedish development funding programs focusing on mobilizing finance and investment, activating private-sector collaboration, empowering civil society, supporting cutting-edge research and capacity development programs, and promoting innovation processes for sustainable development. Mr. AtKisson has received several awards for his work over the years. He was recognized for his contributions to the field with induction into the International Sustainability Hall of Fame in 2013. He lives in Stockholm, where he is currently writing a new book on sustainable futures.

Alan AtKisson

Richard Little
Richard Little. I am Visiting Professor at the University of Cumbria and remain an occasional teacher at several other institutions. As a consultant-partner in a worldwide consulting firm (from 1983 to 2020) I advised clients large and small on questions of corporate and institutional responsibility and ran offices in Tokyo, Rome and New York. In 2008, with Prof. Jem Bendell I co-founded the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability at Ambleside. My lifelong passion is mountaineering: it surprises me, given my relative incompetence in the sport, that I have survived to enjoy it for so long. 

Richard Little

Meet editors

We are pleased to announce that the following editors will run the meet-editors session:

  1. Han Woo Park, YeungNam University, Republic of Korea: Fellow, International Communication Association (ICA); Editor-In-Chief Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, Quality & Quantity, ROSA Journal (the first peer-reviewed journal on Web3)Founder Cyber Emotions Research Center, WATEF (World Association for Triple Helix & Future Strategy Studies), DISC(Data, Innovation, Social networks, Convergence) International Conference; Formerly Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Oxford Internet Institute, Social Media Research Foundation
  2. Jagienka Rześny-Cieplińska, WSB Merito University in Gdansk, Poland: Editor-in-Chief of the WSB Journal of Business and Finance
  3. to be announced soon 


Theme paths (tracks) - science for sustainability

Models of Cooperation Between the Public Sector, Private Sector, and Universities

Track Chair: Dominik Franczak, College of Economics and Computer Science, Krakow

This track explores the dynamic interplay between public, private, and academic sectors in fostering innovation and addressing sustainability challenges. Discussions will focus on frameworks, best practices, and case studies of successful partnerships within the Triple Helix model. Contributions should examine how such collaborations can enhance knowledge transfer, technological advancement, and societal impact.

Dominik Franczak

Attitudes Toward Sustainability 

Track Chairs:  Piotr Olaf Żylicz, WSB Merito University in Warsaw; Przemysław Stach, College of Economics and Computer Science, Krakow; Tomasz Czapran, European Research University, Czechia

Understanding the attitudes and perceptions of individuals, organizations, and communities toward sustainability is critical for driving behavioral change. This track invites research on psychological, cultural, and organizational factors influencing sustainability practices, including barriers, motivators, and strategies to encourage the widespread adoption of sustainable behaviors.

Piotr Olaf Żylicz

Social Innovation to Promote Sustainable Development 

Track Chairs: Monika Chodorek, WSB University in Torun; Joanna Nieżurawska, WSB University in Torun

This session focuses on the role of social innovation as a tool for achieving sustainable development goals. Contributions may include case studies, theoretical insights, or methodologies highlighting how novel approaches to problem-solving can positively impact local and global communities in economic, environmental, and social dimensions.

Monika Chodorek

Education and Public Awareness in Creating Sustainable Development Practices 

Track Chairs: Arnold Bernaciak, WSB Merito University in Poznan; Anna Zgrzywa-Ziemak, WSB Merito University in Wroclaw; Joost (Johannes) Platje, WSB Merito University in Wroclaw; Katarzyna Smulska, WSB University in Torun

Education and awareness are foundational to cultivating sustainable mindsets and actions. This track examines how educational initiatives, public campaigns, and community engagement strategies can promote sustainable development. Papers addressing curriculum design, knowledge dissemination, and innovative pedagogies are particularly encouraged.

Arnold Bernaciak

Financing Sustainable Development

Track Chairs: Marcin Kalinowski, WSB Merito University in Gdansk; Jacek Jaworski, WSB Merito University in Gdansk

The transition to sustainability requires substantial financial investment and innovative funding mechanisms. This track explores challenges, opportunities, and strategies in financing sustainable development, including green financing, public-private partnerships, impact investing, and policy interventions to mobilize financial resources.

Marcin Kalinowski

Technology for a Sustainable Future


Track Chairs: Antoni Wiliński, WSB Merito University in Gdansk; Romana Antczak-Jarząbska, WSB Merito University in Gdansk

Technological advancements are pivotal in addressing sustainability challenges. This track welcomes research on innovative technologies that support environmental conservation, energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable industrial practices. Papers highlighting ethical and inclusive applications of technology are particularly relevant.

Profesor Antoni Wiliński

Implementation of Public Policies for Sustainable Development
Track Chairs: Anna Zgrzywa-Ziemak, WSB Merito University in Wroclaw; Arnold Bernaciak, WSB Merito University in Poznan;  Joost (Johannes) Platje, WSB Merito University in Wroclaw


Public policies play a critical role in shaping sustainable practices. This track examines the design, implementation, and evaluation of policies addressing environmental, social, and economic challenges. Best practices, case studies, and analyses of policy effectiveness are particularly encouraged.

Anna Zgrzywa - Ziemak

Sustainable Urban Development 

Track Chairs: Joost (Johannes) Platje, WSB Merito University in Wroclaw; Jagienka Rześny-Cieplińska, WSB Merito University in Gdansk; Arnold Bernaciak, WSB Merito University in Poznan; Anna Zgrzywa-Ziemak, WSB Merito University in Wroclaw


As urbanization accelerates, sustainable urban development becomes increasingly vital. This track focuses on strategies for creating livable, resilient, and environmentally friendly cities, including urban planning, mobility solutions, waste management, and green infrastructure.


International Cooperation for Sustainable Development

Track Chairs: Joanna Nieżurawska, WSB University in Torun; Monika Chodorek, WSB University in Torun

Global challenges require global solutions. This track invites discussions on international collaborations, transnational partnerships, and the role of global institutions in addressing pressing sustainability issues. Contributions exploring cross-border knowledge exchange and cooperative frameworks are particularly welcome.

dr Joanna Nieżurawska

AI, Public, Private, and University Partnerships, and Labor

Track Chairs: Michał Szostak, Collegium Civitas in Warsaw; Antoni Wiliński, WSB Merito University in Gdansk

Artificial intelligence is reshaping the world of work, education, and collaboration. This track explores the intersection of AI, partnerships among public, private, and academic sectors, and its impact on labor markets. Discussions may include topics such as AI-driven innovation, skills development for the AI era, ethical considerations, and fostering inclusivity in AI adoption.

Michał Szostak

Registration form

Please submit your abstract/paper to


  1. The Administrator of the Participants' personal data is: WSB Merito University in Gdansk, located at Al. Grunwadzka w238a, 80-266 Gdansk, Poland. In matters concerning the processing of the personal data by the organizer, you may contact the Data Protection Officer at: 
  2. The personal data of the IRC Participants (name and surname, science title/degree, e-mail address, phone number, name of the institution, the title of presentation) will be processed for:
  • the purposes necessary to run the conference, including the verification of requirements described in those Rules of Participation based on the Article 6(1)(b) and Article 6(1)(f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) hereinafter: RODO and
  • the purposes necessary for compliance with legal obligations to which the organizer is subject, based on RODO Article 6(1)(c)
  • implementation of other legally justified interests of the Administrator, based on RODO Article 6(1)(f), i.e.: to establish claims, defending against them or/and pursuing them, which is the organizer’s legitimate interest, for statistical purposes or for purposes regarding the improvement of labor efficiency, quality of services and their adjustment to recipients’ needs.Personal data of the Participants, whose participation was confirmed by the organizer, will be processed for 5 years starting from 1 January of the year following the date of participation in the event.
  1. Personal data of people who declared their willingness to participate in the conference and whose participation was not confirmed by the organizer will be processed for one month starting from the first day of the month following the end of the registration process.
  2. Personal data of the Participants can be forwarded to the data recipients, in particular to the entities and/or third parties conducting tasks for the organizer (e.g., a provider of data storage services, a provider of postal, courier, payment, legal, insurance, IT as well as audit services, marketing agency, etc.) whose objective is to ensure a proper preparation, operation, and conduct of the conference.
  3. The Participants have the right to access their personal data, their rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject or to object to processing as well as the right to lodge a complaintcomplain, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority within the personal data protection. Providing personal data is voluntary but necessary to participate in IRC.
  4. Data of the conference Participants will not be processed in an automated manner and shared beyond the European Economic Area (EEA).
  5. Further information concerning the processing of personal data is included in the Privacy Policy of WSB University in Gdansk at:  


Organizational information

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: March 30, 2025

Abstract acceptance notification: two weeks after abstract submission

Early bird registration (fee payment): April 15, 2025

Regular registration (fee payment): June 1, 2025

Paper submission: June 15, 2025

Conference date: June 16-17, 2025

Paper recommendation: July 15, 2025

Please submit your abstract/paper to




  Early bird Regular
On-site: presenters 300 euro 350 euro
Online: presenters 250 euro 300 euro
Ph.D. students, students, and participating co-authors 150 euro 200 euro
Merito Universities Group (faculty members and students) 100 euro 150 euro
Listeners only 80 euro 100 euro

Program: the science for sustainability conference

June 16, 2025

Conference Plenary Session (keynote speakers)

Track Sessions/Student Panel (paper and poster)

June 17, 2025

Company Visit

Track Sessions/Student Panel

Meet Editors/Paper Development Session

Gala Dinner


Conference proceedings


Conference flyer


Conference booklet


Media Partners